Paula and Shorty Casagrande have been featured in the Baltimore Sun!
June 12, 2019

May 20, 2019
Big House Signs, Havre de Grace
(An excerpt from The Baltimore Sun article published on 5/20/19. Article can be found here:
Paula Casagrande has never been deterred by the costs and eventual heartbreak that come with adopting a senior dog. There has been a dog — all small, usually older — at work with her since she opened Big House Signs in 1996.
“That’s when they need the most care and love,” she says.
After Casagrande adopted Shorty three years ago at age 11, the two bonded into a work team. He sat on Casagrande’s lap during customer consultations. He followed her everywhere and was fiercely protective, as if he didn’t know that he weighed just a few pounds.
As Shorty’s pace slowed in recent months, Casagrande made sure that there was a bed in all of the shop areas. Shorty didn’t stop following her until just before he died after a few days of illness in early April.
“A dog will love you more than anyone,” Casagrande says. “After I grieve a bit, trust me, I will be looking for another senior.”
Rest in Peace, Shorty. You will be missed.